Facility News

ReSource Salem Reaches One Year Without OSHA Recordable Injury

The ReSource Waste Services facility in Salem, NH recently reached a safety milestone: One year without an OSHA recordable injury.

Headshot of Dave Guilherme

Dave Guilherme, Facility Manager, ReSource Waste Services of Salem

The facility’s robust safety program incorporates behavior-based safety observations, safety communication notices, risk assessment and mitigation, monthly inspections and an incentive compensation system.

ReSource Salem, located at 87 Lowell Road, accepts a wide variety of construction and demolition (C&D) waste and its team recovers components of value and transforms them into reusable commodities. An on-site affiliated company, ReSource Waste Services Metal Recycling LLC, specializes in the recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

The Salem team reached the one-year safety mark on July 5, 2023.